Microsoft Software Assurance: What is it and do I need it?
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A lot of people wonder if they need Software Assurance and what it exactly does. In this blog, you can read more about what Software Assurance is, its benefits, and whether you need to buy it.
What is Software Assurance?
Software Assurance is a mixture of things that Microsoft offers you, to make certain processes easier. For example, you can get advantages on certain things, such as safety and new versions of the software. Software Assurance also includes technologies and services, which enable you to use your Microsoft software more efficiently. By using Software Assurance, the productivity of your company will grow. You can only buy Software Assurance via Microsoft.
What are the benefits of Software Assurance?
Software Assurance offers you services in order to improve your experience and safety while using the Microsoft software. Examples of these services are:
- E-learnings
- Problems with your software will be fixed in 24 hours
- The rights for a new version, which are explained underneath
- Extended hot fix support
By acquiring Software Assurance, you also buy the rights for a new version of the product. For a certain number of years, you would have to pay Microsoft for the rights of the product. For server products this amount is 25% from the price and for desktop products it is 29% per year. Most of the times, the period of the Software Assurance lasts 3 years. If, during this period, there is a new version of the product on the market, you will receive that product. So, with Software Assurance you essentially buy the rights for the new version of the products, if this comes out within your Assurance period. However, if you pay for these rights for 3 years, and the new version comes out after 4 years, you will not receive it, due to your paying period being over. This would mean, that if you wish to receive the new version, you would have to pay for the rights for another 3 years.
What are the downsides of Software Assurance?
Software Assurance also has a few downsides. These downsides are:
- Annual payments (% of the license's price). You pay this 3 years in a row, which costs you a lot of extra money on an annual basis.
- There is big risk of not receiving a newer version within the 3 years. As stated above, if the new version of the product does not come out within your Assurance period, you will not receive it, unless you pay those 3 years again.
- Software Assurance cannot insure or recover lost data. Software Assurance gives you the same version of the product back when your software crashes, but all of your data will still be lost.
Can you use Software Assurance on pre-owned software?
It is not possible to use Software Assurance on pre-owned software. This is because Microsoft is the only supplier of Software Assurance. If you want to have Software Assurance on your software, you will have to buy both your software and the assurance from Microsoft. This means, Software Assurance only can be used on software that was directly bought from Microsoft.
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Do I need Software Assurance? Our advice.
According to our experience, Software Assurance is not obligatory or necessary for users, given the fact that you would take a big risk by paying for years. If your reasons behind acquiring Software Assurance are based on the rights of the potential new version, then we would advise you not to opt for Software Assurance. This is due to the fact that it is not always known whether a newer version of your license will come out within the 3 years payment period. Therefore, it would be much cheaper for you to buy the new version once it is out, otherwise you may end up paying for it double. However, if you want to acquire software assurance for other reasons, such as support at all time and e-learnings, you can purchase it at Microsoft.
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